Resources for multi-agency collaborative panels

Multi-agency collaborative panels (MACP) were first formally established under the Youth Justice Taskforce in 2022 and in 2023 were formalised in Part 8A of the Youth Justice Act 1992.

The current target group for MACPs is referred to as the collaborative response cohort or CRC (formerly the Serious Repeat Offenders). These young people are identified as appropriate for referral to a MACP through obtaining a score of 6 on the Youth Justice Serious Repeat Offender Index (SROI).

The purpose of the MACPs is to bring relevant information and planning skills to oversight and coordinate services for young people who are identified in the CRC.

The legislation outlines that core members for a MACP include:

The chief executive/commissioner of a department that is mainly responsible for any of the following matters:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander services
  • child protection services
  • community services
  • corrective services
  • court services
  • disability services
  • education
  • housing services
  • public health services
  • youth justice services
  • police service
  • from time to time, prescribed entities or service providers contributing to the operation of the system by invitation of the core members.

The following tools have been developed to support panel members across agencies to participate in the panels:

The MACP core members may also invite service providers (non-government agencies that provide a service to children) and other prescribed entities to attend and participate in the MACP.

Service providers need to complete the sign-up form to become a service provider or prescribed entity.

These stakeholders may comprise an informal supporting network committed to the purpose and responsibilities of the MACP.