First Nations Action Board

The First Nations Action Board (FNAB) is an innovative group, the first of its kind in Australia. It is a unique response to the extremely high rates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people in the youth justice system.

The board was established in February 2016 to help the department develop culturally appropriate ways to reduce over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the youth justice system.

Composition of the board

The FNAB is made up of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Youth Justice staff members from across Queensland. They work in a range of positions from frontline staff to managers. Every member is a strong advocate and leader within Youth Justice and their local communities.

Impact on Youth Justice

The FNAB has already had a significant impact on our work. A cultural unit based in our central office helps us ensure that priorities are put into practice. It aims to make sure that the way we work takes cultural factors into account and enhances our workforce cultural capability.

Representatives sit on the Executive Board of Management to ensure Youth Justice policy, programs and interventions are appropriate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people, their families and communities.

Future goals

Members of the FNAB hope to inspire similar initiatives across all Australian states and territories. They aim to be bold in their leadership and help to lower the extremely high rates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people in the youth justice system.