Our commitments
The department is supporting the key commitments under the Making Queensland Safer plan, which places the rights of victims of crime at front and centre of youth justice matters.
Early intervention programs
The department will be delivering new early intervention programs for young people, including:
- Staying on Track
- Regional Reset
- Gold Standard Early Intervention
- Kickstarter Grants
- Proven initiatives.
Learn more about these initiatives in our industry briefing slide deck.
Regional sessions
The Department of Youth Justice and Victim Support local information sessions have now concluded. The department extends its gratitude and appreciation for all who attended. The feedback and discussions will be valuable in informing Regional Reset and Staying on Track.
We would encourage you to:
- register on Supply Portal to receive notifications about funding opportunities, and
- join our mailing list for updates on grants and funding.
Expert legal panel
Expressions of interest for the expert legal panel are now closed.
Panel members have now been appointed.
The Queensland Government is delivering on its commitment to making Queensland safer and strengthening our youth justice laws in line with community expectations.
An expert legal panel has been appointed to provide advice and recommendations to the Queensland Government on which offences Adult Time, Adult Crime would apply under the Making Queensland Safer Laws. Expressions of interest to join the expert legal panel were sought and closed on 30 January 2025.
The following people have been appointed to the expert legal panel:
- Ms April Freeman KC (Chair) has worked as a barrister for more than 20 years. Ms Freeman's expertise spans criminal, administrative, employment, and public law, and she has prosecuted on behalf of several government bodies. Ms Freeman also has significant experience in commissions of inquiry, and inquests.
- Ms Lyndy Atkinson is a founding member of victims’ advocacy group, Voice for Victims. Ms Atkinson has significant experience working with victims of crime, ensuring they have access to support services and are assisted through the justice process.
- Mr Douglas Wilson is a barrister with extensive experience in the criminal justice system, both defending and prosecuting youth and adult offenders. He has also worked as a police officer and investigator with the Queensland Police Service, handling cases ranging from shoplifting to murder.
- Mr Randal Ross is an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elder and cultural and communications manager in Townsville. He is a former CEO of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service and has significant experience delivering cultural programs for at-risk youth, including at Cleveland Youth Detention Centre.
- Mr Robert Weir has held several prominent positions in the Queensland Police Service with more than 43 years’ service. He has initiated and led policing strategies, multi-agency and multi-jurisdictional tactical responses to high-risk incidents and events across Queensland, provided evidence to several Commissions of Inquiry and reviewed and rewritten a number of police policies, training manuals and handbooks in Queensland.
More information
For further enquiries about the expert legal panel and its role in the Making Queensland Safer plan, please contact the Director, Expert Legal Panel via email at group-expertlegalpanel@communitiesqld.onmicrosoft.com or phone 07 3097 7657.