Our commitments

The department is supporting the key commitments under the Making Queensland Safer plan, which places the rights of victims of crime at front and centre of youth justice matters.

Early intervention programs

The department will be delivering new early intervention programs for young people, including:

  • Staying on Track
  • Regional Reset
  • Gold Standard Early Intervention
    • Kickstarter Grants
    • Proven initiatives.

Learn more about these initiatives in our industry briefing slide deck.

We want to hear from you

The department is calling for feedback on the implementation of these important initiatives. Please provide feedback in writing to YJCommissioning@youthjustice.qld.gov.au by close of business 24 January 2025.

Regional sessions

The Department of Youth Justice and Victim Support is undertaking local information sessions to consult with potential service providers and key stakeholders regarding the Queensland Government’s commitment to reducing youth crime through two of the new initiatives included in the Making Queensland Safer Plan - Regional Reset and Staying on Track.

These sessions will provide you with an opportunity to learn more about the initiatives and for you to provide any feedback or advice to the department in relation to implementation in your local area.

If you would like to attend one of the information sessions below, please register in the relevant link below.

Regional briefing sessions Proposed date Registration link
Hervey Bay 29/01/2025Register
Rockhampton 30/01/202Register
Bundaberg 31/01/2025Register
Brisbane - North/South including Moreton Bay 3/02/2025Register
Toowoomba 4/02/2025Register
Ipswich 4/02/2025Register
Gold Coast 5/02/2025Register
Sunshine Coast 7/02/2025Register
Mt Isa 10/02/2025Register
Townsville 11/02/2025Register
Cairns 12/02/2025Register
Mackay 13/02/2025Register

If you are unable to attend, but are interested in hearing more about these future funding and grants opportunities, we encourage you to:

Expressions of interest - Expert legal panel

The Queensland Government is committed to making Queensland safer and strengthening our youth justice laws in line with community expectations.

Expressions of interest (EOIs) are being sought to join an expert legal panel to provide advice and recommendations to the Queensland Government on which offences adult time for adult crime would apply under the Making Queensland Safer Laws.

Panel members will be appointed for an initial one-year term. At least three Members, including the chairperson, will be required to have relevant skills or experience in either legal practice or law enforcement. Other members may be appointed with skills or experience in fields relevant to the criminal justice system and public policy, or victim support.

First Nations people are encouraged to apply.

Learn more and apply

Expressions of interest close 10am 30 January 2025.

For learn more or to submit an EOI, visit the Queensland Register of Nominees to Government Boards website.

More information

For further enquiries about the expert legal panel and its role in the Making Queensland Safer plan, please contact Ashleigh Edwards or call 07 3334 2403.