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If a crime is happening now call Triple Zero (000). If non-urgent, call Policelink on 131 444.

Contact the Townsville Early Action Group

To contact the Townsville Early Action Group or find out more about the Townsville Stronger Communities initiative:

Other services and support

  • Queensland Youth Services

    Services for 12 to 25-year-olds, including help for youth who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness, and assistance in addressing barriers to employment.

    Act for Kids

    Specialist teams supporting children, young people and families across the whole spectrum of child protection.


    The national youth mental health foundation dedicated to improving the wellbeing of young Australians.

    Clontarf Foundation

    The Clontarf Foundation operates in 4 Townsville high schools and seeks to improve the education, discipline, life skills and job prospects of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men.

    The Lighthouse

    An after-hours drop-in centre that gives 10 to 17-year-olds a safe space between 6pm and 8am daily.

    TAIHS Youth Support Services

    Support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people aged 12–21 who:

    • are at risk of homelessness
    • want help for drugs, alcohol or other substances
    • have problems with family at home
    • are not in school, training or employment
    • are harming themselves.

    The Street University in Townsville

    Operated by the Noffs Foundation, the program provides counselling and diversion programs and support to young people involved with substance use, crime and mental health issues.

    Youth Health Promotion (Deadly Choices)

    Empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people to make healthy choices for themselves and their families. Deadly Choices also encourages First Nations peoples to access local Community Controlled Health Service and complete annual health checks.

  • Coast to Country Housing Company

    Housing assistance for people in need.

    Red Cross Homelessness Service Hub

    Support for vulnerable people experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness in Townsville.

    Salvation Army Recovery Services

    The Salvation Army operates a 33-bed residential rehabilitation facility in Townsville for men and women seeking recovery from addiction to alcohol, other drugs and gambling.

    Sharehouse Youth Programs Inc

    Help for young people in Townsville navigate the road to independence by providing accommodation options, programs, case management, support, and advocacy.

    TAIHS Youth Shelter

    Crisis accommodation for all young people aged 16–25.

    Iona House (UnitingCare)

    Short-term crisis accommodation for young women aged 15–21 years who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

    Yumba-Meta Housing Association

    Short, medium and long-term accommodation and support services for disadvantaged people in Townsville, in particular Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.


    Homeless and housing services, as well as drug and alcohol services, women's refuges and Indigenous services.

  • Community Gro

    A community-based organisation that provides activities, programs and services, including the Upper Ross and Garbutt community centres.

    Townsville Neighbourhood and Community Centres search

    Neighbourhood and community centres provide friendly, localised access to child, family and community services.

  • DV Connect

    The only statewide telephone service offering anyone affected by domestic or family violence a free 'crisis hotline' 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    Family and Child Connect

    A free service that connects families to local providers that can help with managing children's behaviour; building better family relationships; stopping violence at home; budgeting and managing money; addressing alcohol, drug or gambling problems; and accessing housing, health care or other services.

    Townsville Aboriginal and Islander Health Services (TAIHS)

    The Townsville Aboriginal and Islander Health Services offers health services, child and family services, and youth services.

    Relationships Australia

    A leading provider of relationship support services for individuals, families and communities aiming to achieve positive and respectful relationships. The program offers a broad range of services, including family relationship support, family violence prevention, support for children and young people, counselling, First Nations support, and more.

  • Lives Lived Well

    Support for people affected by alcohol or drugs or problems with mental health.

    Addiction Services (ATODS)

    Information, clinical assessment, counselling, treatment and referral for individuals, groups and families with alcohol and other drug-related problems.

  • Encouraging young people to go to school regularly is crucial to reduce youth offending. Skipping school ( truancy) can seriously affect a young person's learning, development and overall wellbeing, making them more susceptible to negative influences, social isolation or engaging in risky behaviours. According to the law, parents must ensure their child is enrolled in school and attends on all school days unless there's a reasonable excuse.

    Find advice and information on getting your child to attend school.

    Stars Foundation

    Stars Foundation provides a holistic program that supports First Nations girls and young women to attend and remain engaged at school, complete Year 12 and move into work or further study.

For more support services available in the Townsville region, visit the Townsville Community Information Centre Directories.